Apartment Search

The search continues for a place to live in Duluth, MN. There are some nice places and some not so nice ones. But the real issue is I don't know the area all that well, so picking a place to live can be somewhat difficult. There are a few nice townhouses that I have seen, some nice condos that are a little out of my price range and a couple nice apartments that don't really have everything I am looking for.

Here are some links to what I am currently looking at:
Those are probably the top three at the moment. Still looking though, I welcome any recommendations of course.
Spent most of spring break here relaxing and getting some things done around the apartment. I have started a list of everything that needs to be done for the move and it is certainly long. Lots of odds and ends to tie up before I leave. Also a lot to do to make sure that the move goes smoothly.
It will be a long but exciting couple of months!!
Take care and goodnight.