
New Job and Apartment Searching

HondaJet HA-420 Press Shot

Well I guess the biggest new news is that I have accepted the job at Honda Aircraft Company, Inc. I will be a Control Design and Simulation Engineer there (whatever all that means!). My first day of work will be November 16th, and I'll be moving down there on the 9th. They are putting me up in a Corporate apartment, fully furnished, for up to 2 months while I look for a place of my own.

Speaking of looking for a place of my own, I am taking advantage of a company paid house/apartment hunting trip this week to look for an apartment or something. I am heading down to Greensboro this morning (actually stuck at Washington National while writing this) and will be coming back on Saturday evening.

As much as I look forward to starting work, it is nice to have a couple weeks here where I can take it easy  and not really worry about much (a Honda relocation company is organizing the move for me). I have gotten to do a lot of fun things this fall, so part of me is certainly glad that I was able to spend some time back at home.

I am looking forward to getting settled down in Greensboro and getting to know new people and a new town! I am confident that, despite the last few months, all of this will turn out for the best in the end. And once I am moved into my own place, I hope to have more visitors in the warmer climate!

L'Shana Tova

Well it's been a long couple of weeks around here. Work has been kind of slow the last week and oddly enough that seems to make the week go by slower and seem more tedious. I haven't gotten to fly much though because it seems like the weather decides not to cooperate when I have free time. Oh well, will keep trying for this week.

To all you jews out there l'shana tova and I hope you all have plans for Erev Rosh Hashanah and Rosh Hashanah. I know I plan to enjoy some apples and honey this week, it's one of my favorite things this time of year.
I think that's just about all I have got for now. The folks will be in town next weekend so I look forward to showing them around Duluth. Oh yea, I will be making a trip down to Daytona Beach at the beginning of November (5th-9th) so I hope to see some friends while I'm there.
Good night, take care.

Flying Solo

So I don't have much time for a long post tonight but I did want to throw up some of the good news from this weekend. On Friday I got to do my first solo in my private pilots training. And then on Sunday afternoon I took the Private Pilot written exam and passed with a 98%!! I am glad that the flying is actually progressing after so many years at school and not being able to do it.

Have a good night.
P.S.  Added a pick of the plane I solo'd in...