
Was a Long Summer...

Well, the summer wasn't really all that long but it just seemed that way.  Managed to fit in quite a bit between flying, sailing, temple and that work thing.  Becky came out to visit in the beginning of August and was treated with a nice Duluth summer (temps in the mid-60s).  But we managed to have some fun hitting all the hot spots; the zoo, the aquarium, canal park, split rock light house and a flight with Robin (my flight instructor).

But the fun of summer wasn't to last...

At the end of August there was another round of layoffs at Cirrus, and this one I didn't survive.  Since then I have moved all of my stuff into storage (in Duluth) and completely moved out of my apartment there, mostly to save the rent money.  Dad and I drove back last weekend, so I am back at home for a little while, until I figure out what's next.  It was very hard to say goodbye to my friends and life in Duluth, met some incredible people in that community that I hope to stay in touch with over time!

Been sending out the resume and applying for jobs in my field, and also thinking about other options for the future, including law school or maybe politics or maybe something else entirely.  We'll see where the wind takes me...


Sorry that I have been so bad at updating this all summer. I will do better!

Anyways, obviously from the lack of activity online I have been keeping quite busy. Work is going well and taking up a large portion of my time. I feel like I am learning a lot and getting a lot done, which is great! I joined the Cirrus Employee Flight Club at the beginning of August and have been steadily working on my Private Pilots certificate since then. Between ground school and flying and fitting work in there, the days get hectic sometimes. But ground school is coming to an end and I will be taking the written exam this Sunday. In terms of the actually flying, things are progressing quickly and I should be soloing any day now when we get some descent weather!!
Outside of work and flying I have managed to find a few things to do as well. Been getting back into golfing, and have been going once or twice a week with some of the guys from work. My swing is getting better and I can finally hit my irons without a nasty slice.
I also found a local temple and have been trying to make it either to Friday night or Saturday morning services every week. I have been pretty good about attending until the past couple of weeks. It is a nice place and everyone I have met there has been extremely friendly.
Well I think that is a quick catch-up from the summer I am sure I've missed some things but oh well. Check out some photos of my summer in Duluth for more and I'll be sure to write again soon (Photo Gallery).
Take care.