
Last week of college...

Well, I thought it would never come but alas it is here. My last week of college at Embry-Riddle!! While it is not without a lot of things to do, I am definitely going to try and enjoy it some. I don't think that it has really sunken in yet that by noon on Friday I will be completely done with college, no more classes, no more projects and best of all no more exams.
There is still some work to do on the research project, but based on the timelines getting pushed I probably will not be around for the flying part. That basically just leaves me with getting all the documentation in order, which I do not think will be much trouble.
Graduation is officially on May 5th and I'm looking forward to seeing my parents and my aunt and uncle, who are all coming down to celebrate with me.
Changing gears here, the move to Duluth is coming fast but all seems to be in order. Once I am done with classes and such this week I have packing boxes to look forward to and starting to clean up around the place. Since I have only been in this apartment for 10 months I do not think the move will be as stressful as the one last summer. So we will cross our fingers and hope for things to go well!!
P.S.  I have signed up for a social networking site called Twitter, I guess it's kind of like Facebook but more focus on what you are doing now. It seems kinda neat so take a look at their site. I have added a cool little widget on the left column of the blog to show my updates on the site.


Well, I had a very productive trip to Duluth this past week. Went up there for a few days with dad and was able to find a really nice 2 bedroom townhouse. I was also able to explore the town a bit and after a few days there I am really exciting about moving up there. I think that I will enjoy the town a lot and have a lot of fun.

The scenery up there was really amazing and I am going to try to post some photos of it when I get some free time. I also have a nice pdf of the floor plan of the townhouse that I am going to try to post here.

I am suppose to be out of my Florida apartment on May 16th so I'll be moving in to the new place on May 19th. I don't start work until June 9th so I'll have some time in there to relax and hopefully go home for a bit and spend some time with friends and family. And now that I have a place to live, it seems that there is this huge weight lifted off me, and while I still have a lot to do before graduation it now seems a lot more manageable.

Well anyways, life is good this week and I am definitely looking forward (optimistically) to the future!!

Update: Well I am having trouble figuring out how to post a link to a pdf on the blog, so here is a link to Ramsey Village Luxury Townhomes where I'll be renting to give you an idea of the place. The actual floor plan that I will be in is new so it's not on the site yet, but you get the idea...

Apartment Search

The search continues for a place to live in Duluth, MN. There are some nice places and some not so nice ones. But the real issue is I don't know the area all that well, so picking a place to live can be somewhat difficult. There are a few nice townhouses that I have seen, some nice condos that are a little out of my price range and a couple nice apartments that don't really have everything I am looking for.

Here are some links to what I am currently looking at:
Those are probably the top three at the moment. Still looking though, I welcome any recommendations of course.
Spent most of spring break here relaxing and getting some things done around the apartment. I have started a list of everything that needs to be done for the move and it is certainly long. Lots of odds and ends to tie up before I leave. Also a lot to do to make sure that the move goes smoothly.
It will be a long but exciting couple of months!!
Take care and goodnight.


Well today was a big day. I officially accepted the offer to go work for Cirrus Design in Duluth, MN. It is very exciting and at the same time daunting. It is a huge step to leave behind the life and friends that have have built in Daytona over the past 5 years.

But alas, it is time to move on to new challenges. I have started to look for apartments and/or condos in the Duluth area which is very exciting, there seem to be a bunch of really good options. I will probably have to take another trip up there to make a final decision.
I also need to start making plans for the move and the transition. Need to find a moving company, look into getting my residency switched over, as well as insurance and all that kind of stuff. It will certainly be a hectic process but I am lucky to have some time to take care of everything. It looks like I will be starting work on June 9th, which will give me more than enough time after graduation to get up there, get settled and maybe even take a little vacation.
Well that's the big news of the day. I'll keep you posted, good night!