
Catch Up...

Well it's been a long start to this year.  Work has been good for me, but unfortunately we have lost many good people due to layoffs.  It seems like this economic depression is affecting everyone and everything quite a bit.  I hope it doesn't last too much longer, as the General Aviation industry seems to holding on by a thread right now.  The work on the jet is progressing along and we are having productive days, so that is good!As for outside of work I have been getting involved more with Temple and the community.  I enjoy the things that I am being exposed to and it is really giving me a lot to think about (in a good way!).

Winter is still in full force here, but as things will eventually start to thaw (or so I'm told) I think I will find myself considering Duluth more of a home and I look forward to continuing to build strong ties to the people in this community.


Well, it's been a long 2 weeks here.  The High Holy Days are now over, my parents were in for a few days last weekend, and work has just been busy.  Not much new news here other than making it through my first Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in Duluth.  It is such a nice community here, everyone at temple was very welcoming and I really felt like I was a part of the temple during services.I had written a brief commentary on a torah portion from 2 weeks ago that I thought I'd share with you if you have an interest. Here's a link to it:  Parashat Nitzavim. Google Docs is great for that kind of stuff. Makes it easy to share documents and whatnot.

Also, I got some pictures last weekend when the folks were in town.  We took a drive up the North Shore on Saturday and was just gorgeous.  Take a look at them on my web gallery here.

Well that's all for now, have a good one.

L'Shana Tova

Well it's been a long couple of weeks around here. Work has been kind of slow the last week and oddly enough that seems to make the week go by slower and seem more tedious. I haven't gotten to fly much though because it seems like the weather decides not to cooperate when I have free time. Oh well, will keep trying for this week.

To all you jews out there l'shana tova and I hope you all have plans for Erev Rosh Hashanah and Rosh Hashanah. I know I plan to enjoy some apples and honey this week, it's one of my favorite things this time of year.
I think that's just about all I have got for now. The folks will be in town next weekend so I look forward to showing them around Duluth. Oh yea, I will be making a trip down to Daytona Beach at the beginning of November (5th-9th) so I hope to see some friends while I'm there.
Good night, take care.

Work Starts on Monday

Wow, believe it or not I start work on Monday. It has certainly been a long time in the making and I am excited to get going with things. I am all moved in to my place in Duluth with just a couple odds and ends still left to get.

Since I finally have internet here I was able to upload all my recent pictures to my Web Gallery. It's mostly stuff from the move and some from around Duluth, so feel free to check them out and let me know what you think.
As some of you may or may not know my long time favorite in the race for the White House, Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton, officially suspended her campaign today and endorsed Senator Obama. While I am disappointed that she was unable to come away the victor, I will support her efforts to get Senator Obama elected president and hopefully will still be able to support her future efforts in public life.
Well that's all for now. Check back later in the week to see how my first few days of work went.

Moving Plans Finalized, Finally!!

Well it certainly was not the easiest thing to get done, but I finally have all my plans laid out for the move in a few weeks. The moving companies kept saying that there was a week window for delivery and that just was not going to work with me only being in tow for three days. So we are going to rent a truck here in Daytona and a car carrier and drive up to Duluth. That way I can get there when I need to and I have hired some guys in Duluth with the unloading of the truck. Speaking of loading the truck, I will need some help on Thursday, May 15th loading the truck up in Daytona.

I am thinking like 10:00 am or so will work well, and if I can get a handful of people over it should not take more than a few hours. I will order some pizza and beer if that helps entice you to come over and help. Let me know if you can help, I really would appreciate it.
Well that's about all that is going on around here. Graduation weekend is coming up and family will be in town for the weekend which should be fun. Oh yea, and finally after to long of talking about it Kevin and I got out to the range this week and have a tee time tomorrow at 2:00 pm, so I will let you know how that goes!!