
Welcome Back.

So it's been a while since I've posted anything here, but I have been messing around with the site some! I have moved the site over to Squarespace from the Yahoo hosting I had been using for years. I was mainly just interested in trying something new, and Squarespace came highly recommended by the hosts over at 5by5 (one of my favorite podcast networks).

I have moved over all the content from the old site, so hopefully everything still works (let me know if it doesn't). There isn't anything new up yet, but I'm tinkering with a few things, so maybe there will be soon.

Merging Google Calendars and feeling silly later

Man, I have been trying on and off to merge some old calendars that I have in Google Calendars and had no success. Now maybe that is because I would look at it for 30 seconds and get bored or just give up after one failed attempt. But a simple google search this evening showed me just how easy it was:

Sometimes once you figure out how do something, and see how easy it is, don't you just feel a little silly afterwards?

Oh well, hope this random rant was entertaining or (god forbid) useful.
