
Merging Google Calendars and feeling silly later

Man, I have been trying on and off to merge some old calendars that I have in Google Calendars and had no success. Now maybe that is because I would look at it for 30 seconds and get bored or just give up after one failed attempt. But a simple google search this evening showed me just how easy it was:http://www.mccambridge.org/blog/2008/03/howto-merge-google-calendars-together/

Sometimes once you figure out how do something, and see how easy it is, don't you just feel a little silly afterwards?

Oh well, hope this random rant was entertaining or (god forbid) useful.


End of May (almost)

Hey all, sorry for the lack of posts recently, it's been a crazy few weeks. I am all moved into my place in Duluth and am back home in New York for a little bit to relax and hang out some until work starts. The move went well, it was a lot of work but we did not have any problems.

We got all my stuff in a 16 foot Penske truck, and put the car on a car-carrier for the trip up to Duluth. It was nearly 1800 miles and took dad and I a little more than 2 and a half days of driving. They were long days but the truck handled well so it wasn't all that bad.

Once we got up there the move in went well, just slow going at unpacking everything and getting everything put away. I do not know where I got all this stuff from, but it made the trip so I figure it's mine. The new place is great, I have tons of pictures and stuff that I'll post when I get back there next week. The only things I still need there is cable/internet and a dining room table, both of which are supposed to be delivered / installed the day after I get back.

In the mean time I am just home relaxing and doing some catching up on things. I have spent a little time up in Lake Placid as well which is always fun. Other than that I am just around town doing whatever comes to mind. I'll be back in Duluth late next week and am already looking forward to my first day of work on June 9th.

Hope everyone is doing well!

P.S.  I'll post a link to photos of move and of Duluth when I get back next week, it really is a nice little town.

P.S.S  Oh yea, got my diplomas in the mail the other day from ERAU!!! They look great, can't wait to frame them!